RadRunner Power Bike Review: My Experience Using a Solar Bike for 8 Months

off grid solar bike

This week I wanted to share with you a fun post about a new off grid transportation option we’ve been trying out at the farm. About 8 months ago we purchased a RadRunner eBike from Rad Power Bikes, and it’s been a blast to ride around. You can watch my video review below, or continue reading:

RadRunner eBike Overview

The RadRunner is a pedal-assist, electronically motorized bicycle rated for a 45 mile range. In practice, we found that my son could consistently get about 40 miles on it at full charge, while I would average about 20 (being 3x the weight of Eli). We bought this bike for utilitarian purposes. We live on a farm so it’s a lot more efficient to load up tools and supplies on the RadRunner and go about our workday than to have to lug everything around. It’s also been good for visiting friends and neighbors, as well as making deliveries in the area. The bike has a 300lb capacity too, so it’s able to carry a good amount while we’re making those deliveries or carrying tools.

RadRunner eBike Upkeep and Maintenance

This is an eBike, so we have been able to hook it up to our solar generator for charging every day. It’s been simple to keep charged; we just go use it for our work everyday and plug it in at the end of the day to be ready for tomorrow’s use. 

I’ve also really enjoyed the simplicity of the design on the RadRunner. It’s a single speed bike with no derailleur, which keep the maintenance upkeep simplistic. I’ve had a lot of bicycles and the eBike upkeep is very similar to standard bicycle maintenance: chain lubrication, brake pad replacement, brake cable adjustment, etc. These are all things that you can do yourself; you won’t need to take it a specialized shop unless something has gone majorly wrong. As to the motor, battery, or charging system, there really is nothing you can do to maintain it, it either works or it doesn’t. In the 8 months we’ve had it, we’ve only had to lubricate the chain occasionally and replace the rear brake pads once since we’ve ridden it so much.

solar bike off grid

Pro’s and Con’s of RadRunner eBike

RadRunner eBike Review
Simplicity of design: Few maintenance needs750w Motor- good but wish it had a little more power, the bike can start to struggle on inclines.
Puncture-Resistant Tires: Great for gravel roads, trails, and pasturesInadequate Suspension-One of the cons of the Step-Thru model is that the ride can be a little bumpy, especially on the back roads and trails we use it on.
Customizable: Rad Power Bikes has many options for containers, seating, and 
Step-Thru Chassis: Real easy to get on and off this bike 
Solar Ready:Great as alternative transportation; no emissions, no gas needed 
20-40 Mile Range 
$1200 Price Tag-Great for what it offers 



The RadRunner is a great little workhorse around the farm and around town. It’s fun to ride and easy to take care of. The bike is also one more way to stay prepared in case other forms of transportation become unavailable. Though there are a few things I might want to upgrade on our next model, overall this is a great deal for the price.

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