Air Wind Control Panel – Digital (WCP-D)



AIR Wind Digital Control Panel

AIR Wind Power is pleased to offer a digital wind control panel for use with all AIR Wind Turbines (see chart below). The panel is easy to install and will result in a professional operator station enhancing the beauty and value of the Hybrid system installation.

WCP–D includes a full indoor only, black plastic enclosure.

Dimensions are: L –6.5 inch / W –4.25 inch/ D –2.5 inches.

The WCP –D helps to reduce installation costs and makes wiring a snap with just 4 wires to connect. The panel is available in 5 models specific to the AIR Wind Turbine –voltage and type.

The control monitors the wind turbine. It is equipped with a power On/Off circuit breaker, digital meter and a Stop/Run switch (for direct control of the turbine). The digital meter (equipped with a 50 amp shunt) provides critical operational information; real time battery voltage, current in amps, power in Watts and accumulated energy in W/hours(re-settable).

A clearly marked rear terminal block, The WCP terminal blocks, which will accept an 8 AWG or smaller wire size, provides for easy interconnect of the two turbine wires and two battery power wires. If a larger gauge wire is required, use a few inches of 8 AWG wire to transition to the terminal blocks. Panel is fully factory calibrated and ready for installation.


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