DIY Solar Hot Water System

This is my favorite DIY solar project that we have had much success with. Since installing this hybrid system at my own home, we have only paid an average of $3/month to the grid for hot water! The payback time for this system is much quicker than most solar projects.

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West Virginia – Designing New Construction for Solar Panels

A garage-type building was added to the property with just the right size, location, and roof pitch to maximize their solar production. We were able to perfectly fit a 3×14 solar array onto this roof, with 6 of the panels being used for off-grid air conditioning. The panels were dressed with ferrite suppressors to protect the system from an EMP

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Prepper Food Storage – A Week-by-Week Food Plan for When Disaster Strikes

An emergency food storage is one of the most important areas to have a strategy for in your home. Waiting until the last minute will see you with empty shelves, high prices, or may not even be an option at all. I've put together a food storage plan to guide you through every week in a disaster situation.

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